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Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre

Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre is an inner-city community riding school based on The Wormwood Scrubs Park. The Riding for the Disabled Association (RDA) member offers riding lessons for young people with learning difficulties and physical disabilities, aiming to provide a safe environment for individuals to flourish.

EMR Willesden has provided £3,000 to enable five young people to take part in a 12-week riding course. This not only boosts young people's physical health but also helps them to learn a new skill and develop friendships which they can take forward with them into adult life.

Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre receiving donation

“Physical activities play a vital part in a young person’s life and supports their development. The young people that Wormwood Scrubs Pony Centre support not only get the opportunity to learn a new sport but they also get the opportunity to be around their peers. They also interact with the animals, both of which help to reduce any social isolation that they may face. We cannot wait to see the difference that our donation will make to their lives.”

says Lisa Vekaria, Weighbridge Administrator at EMR Willesden.