Source Youthwork (known as Wilmslow Youth)
Source Youthwork provide early intervention mental health support for young people aged 11 to 18 and their parents. Their counselling and mentoring provisions are supported by wrap-around support groups, drop-in cafe spaces, and community activities that promote healthy social interaction and break down stigmas around mental illness though various forms of group work, media, workshops and activities.
Building Brighter Futures will fund a project in collaboration with Wilmslow High School and 8-10 feeder primary schools, to ensure that every child has access to early help and support for emerging mental health issues, helping to prevent the issues from having a greater impact further down the line.
They will run groups, including:
- Focusing on managing anxiety, building resilience, and addressing emerging issues with wellbeing and mental health
- A session for every Year 6 class, talking about the transition to High School and how to access support if they need it
- Class visits for every year 6 class to Wilmslow Youth at the end of the school year, so they know how to access their drop-in cafe, wellbeing groups, and all their other services
- Parents coffee mornings in all primary schools to give parents the support they need to help their child through the period of transition between schools
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